Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Familiar Faces in Unfamiliar Places

The beautiful falls, I caught a rainbow!

We were in a boat like this one that went right up to the falls.

The Heitritters

This ones for you Laura

Wow. Fabulous

Finally some sun in Uruguay.

A sea lion just sleeping on the sidewalk.

Joe with the giant hand.

A building in Buenos Aires with a nice sunset.

I am sorry that this blog has taken me a while to post. Joe and I have finally started working again from a long hot summer and then vacations with Paul and Emma. It was great seeing some familiar faces. Paul was the first to arrive in the middle of February. We were so happy to spend some time with him. We started off our adventure to Buenos Aires in Argentina, for 5 days we explored the city visiting different neighborhoods. We saw a famous cemetary, ate delicious pizza, and did a ton of walking. At first we were unsure of what to see there but once we started walking around we saw all kinds of buildings and shopping centers. One avenue was called Florida Avenue and it was full of shops and people selling things on the street. Next we got on a nice passenger boat to Uruguay, I had no idea what was there but we were anxious to see. We went to the capital, Montevideo...there was not much to see there and it was a good thing we were only there for 2 nights. The last leg of our trip I was the most excited for, Punta Del Este in Uruguay. It is a beach resort city that was known for its nice beaches but we only got to experience the beach for 2 hours. It rained almost the whole time it was there, it stopped raining and the sun came out so we ran to the beach and did some body surfing in the ocean. At one beach there is a famous statue with fingers coming out of the sand. We got back to Paraguay with no trouble and went to our house for a while with Paul. We played card games and just spent some time sitting on the porch together.

After the Argentina/Uruguay adventure Paul, Joe, and I went to the capital of Asuncion to pick up Emma. At the airport Paul and I jumped up and down yelling Emma while Joe tried to hide and scare her. All four of us together went back to our community and visited the school, played cards, and walked around our site. When we went to the school we brought all the books that family, friends, and Thomas' school had sent us. The kids were so excited they began to flip through all the books. It was great to see the excitement and joy the kids had for the new books and we cannot wait to use them with the kids. From our site we went to Cuidad del Este and hopped a boat to Argentina. We went to the Iguazu Falls in Argentina, they were the most beautiful site I have ever seen. There was waterfalls everywhere, we even got a close up look at the waterfalls on a boat which got us soaking wet. I was so glad that we went to see the falls, it was something I will never forget.

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