Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Just a Quick Note

Joe and I are in town to look for stuff to construct our new bathroom. Yesterday we worked on the yard and cleaning the inside of our future home. Joe was excited to use his machete to trim the trees. There is still more work to do but it was awesome to get started. My contact´s husband and Joe are going to be building the bathroom....lets hope they know what they are doing. We can´t get too excited about moving in the house because we have to live with host families until July. This week the teachers are on strike so there is not much for me to do. I am not sure the reason they are on strike, either they didn´t get their money or they want more. I have been studying my spanish and trying to get ideas of how to start at the school. Joe has also been trying to decide how to start, at least the bathroom will give him something to do. We do not have much other news. I just thought I would quick put something up since we had some time. We had a great time this weekend talking to family, it is always great to talk in English.

We miss you all very much!

1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Great to read your comments on preparations for a bathroom. Hope you got my letter. Let me know ideas on items we can provide for your classroom.

Love, Aunt Barb